Linktree 🌲 connect audiences to all of your content with just one link ✨ the Step-by-Step Guide ✨

4 min readJun 3, 2020


Direct your audience to your content with one link.

The other day, I came across Linktree 🌲on someone’s Instagram profile, clicked through, and fell in love.

What is it?

It is a free bio link tool.

Like a tree 🌲, it allows you to have multiple branches (website links) which you can direct people too, all from one tree (link). Thus, one bio link to house all the content you’re driving followers/fans to.

My scenario

Find the best link to add to my Instagram profile for my podcast by women in music called ‘Bitesize Bodacious Babes’.


Before using Linktree, the links in my Instagram bio was everchanging day-to-day. Sometimes it was my podcast website, sometimes a direct link to listen (using Plink), sometimes a link to sign up to my newsletter. Not ideal, but what else could I do.

People are time-poor, and I was trying to provide them with a link I thought they would want depending on what I posted on my profile each day. Ultimately, I was probably losing potential listeners or subscribers or new website users depending on which link I had up each day.

Thus, Linktree is super handy for me as I’m trying to:

  1. Make it easy for people to listen
  2. Promote my podcast website
  3. Grow my audience.

My Linktree life.

I’ve gone for the FREE option, as I can always upgrade to PRO later. If I can, I prefer to test out a service first before I commit to any paid plans. I’ve popped all this in a step-by-step below. I hope this helps.

One bio link to house all the content you’re driving followers/fans to.

Step-by-step Guide.

🎧 You can also listen to the guide if you prefer here 🎧

  1. Go to
  2. Create account.
  3. You will receive verify email, verify and you are good to go
  4. You have two options, set up a 1) FREE account, or 2) PAID. You can peruse options. I’m going for FREE as firstly, I want to see what I can do on the FREE tier, and if that meets my requirements then happy days (which it does)
  5. Start adding Links — name them what you like (see below)

6. You can change the appearance — selecting from preset themes (you can customise but would have to upgrade to a paid plan)

7. You have the option to toggle on a ‘Sensitive Content Warning’

8. The last option is PRO which is not applicable for us right now.

9. Now you can copy the link (top right) and paste to your Instagram (in Edit Profile > Website Link) page or wherever you would like to use it 🤩

Keep changing your theme and text.

I love that I can log back into LinkTree if I ever want to amend the links, titles, or appearance.

Why not keep your fans engage with some colour change. If you think your text could be more fun or simpler to help convert more click-throughs change it.

I hope this article helps. Anyone else tried it out? Do share any tips you have my way. Share to create!

